Nire Valley Glamping can be accessed by foot, bicycle or car but due to its scenic location is not served by public transport. Taxi from Clonmel to Nire Valley Camping costs approximately €35.
Note: For those who don’t like following directions, we will happily arrange to meet you nearby in the village of Ballymacarbry.
Map Coordinates: Lat: 52.263238 Long: -7.619554
Traveling from Dungarvan: Ballymacarbry is 15miles from Dungarvan .Take the R672 ,which passes through Ballymacarbry on route to Clonmel .As you come into Ballymacarbry village take the first right turn at Melody’s Pub into the Nire Valley. Proceed along the this road ,taking the second turn to the right (after the sign for the Nire Valley Lakes). Proceed up a steep hill and take the first turn to the left. Travel along this road for about 4 km until you come down a very steep hill and cross a bridge with stone walls. Proceed up the road about 100 metres and turn into the second left( there are two houses visible, one to the left and a two story farm house straight ahead. Proceed towards the two story house and go down the narrow boreen directly behind it until you reach a single story house with gravel yard in front.
Traveling from Clonmel: Ballymacarbry is 10 miles from Clonmel. Take the Dungarvan road R671 from Clonmel. Drive through Ballymacarbry village past the petrol station ,after passing the community centre on the left take the next left turn down the Nire Valley.Proceed along the this road taking the second turn to the right (after the sign for the Nire Valley Lakes). Proceed up a steep hill and take the first turn to the left. Travel along this road for about 4 km until you come down a very steep hill and cross a bridge with stone walls. Proceed up the road about 100 metres and turn into the second left( there are two houses visible, one to the left and a two story farm house ahead. Proceed towards the two-story house and go down the narrow boreen directly behind it until you reach a single -story house with gravel yard in front.